Monday, May 11, 2009

Where's My Sun?

Just a little update here at Amy's Corner --


And yes, it's drearie, chilly, and wet in my neck of the woods. What the *blank* happened to spring and 80-degree weather?

In other news today -- I'm having a hard time coming up with a book to read for Keishon's TBR challenge this month. Unrequited love or friends-to-lovers is the theme, and I have plenty of material from which to choose; I even have several sources to look to for inspiration or titles. However, y'all have seen the state of my TBR, so it's safe to assume that finding particular books in that mess would be tantamount to a miracle. A BIG miracle. I may have to opt out of this particular challenge and just pick a book that is from 2008 or earlier. It's not like I don't have plenty of those.

While I've been on a romantic suspense vs suspense tear, I've been seriously jonesing for a historical romance. Of course, tons of those can be found in Ye Olde TBR, but I'm just having a tough time picking one out. HIGHLAND SCANDAL, by Julia London, is the book I'm desperate to finish for review, and it's lacking something for me. I just don't know what it is! Maybe it's the simple fact that I'm trying to read two books at once -- that one, and SUSPECT by Jasmine Cresswell. Since I'm on vacation this week, I hope to have those two and at least two others finished by the time I return to work next Monday. Hell, maybe I can just gorge on books. Or, hey! Cull out the TBR, which would require an excavation team and some serious equipment, not to mention a storage unit. *sigh*

But -- I. Am. On. Vacation. Don't forget that! *glorious sigh*

1 comment:

Wendy said...

I'm also on vacation. Sort of. My vacation entails entertaining my parents, but still....after 2PM today I'm not in the office.

And hey, it might be rainy and dreary - but that's the best excuse for lying around the house and doing nothing but read.