On the home front, I finished TEMPTING EVIL last night and hope to have a review up later today or tonight. Damnit, I wanted to jump right into the last one in that series, PLAYING DEAD, but I can't find my copy in the TBR. Shocker, that...
I actually started up another one last night, DARK ROOM by Andrea Kane, and that's only because now I can't find my copy of HEART BEAT by Chelsea Cain. Grrr...one of these days I need to clean up my bedroom and get all of my books reassembled into something that resembles order.
*snort* And monkees may fly out of my butt, too...
I highly endorse organizing the TBR by sub-genre. For example - I have all my historicals in one area, my romantic suspense in another area - and my Harlequins have their very own Rubbermaid tote (which is kinda scary actually). That way when I get in the mood for a certain type of book, it's easy to unearth.
First, I'll have to dismantle the blasted TBR before I can begin sorting. And that scares me all on its own. Aye yi yi! And then I'll have to move the bed out of the room so I have somewhere to put the blasted things so I can begin sorting.
God, maybe I'll just move. And pay for the apt. as a storage unit.
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