Thursday, January 1, 2009

So, What's Your New Year's Resolution?

I usually avoid making resolutions for the new year like one would avoid a tax audit. I've always figured that if I make one, then that just leaves me a promise that I will beat myself up if I break. So far, that theory has worked for me.

So, why am I considering a few possible resolutions for 2009? Well, I'm tired of being in a rut. I've been stymied in my reading, I've done diddly-squat in the way of looking for a house, and I totally suck at housekeeping. So, my 2009 resolution is -- I'm going to better myself in some way. Whether it's in paring down my TBR, or making our apartment look like a decorator's dream, I'm going to do something for myself that will make me proud of my accomplishments. Maybe this year I'll buy a house, or even a condo. I might even read 200 books from my TBR.

Hell, and if, at the end of the year, I've done absolutely nothing, then I'm going to make damned sure that I'm thankful for what I've got, what I'm able to do, and love my family and John with all my heart.


Kristie (J) said...

Well, I may need physiological help with this one - but my main goal is to get over my phobia on opening mail!!!

Amy said...

Kristie, I'm curious -- phobia of opening mail? Can you explain?

And whatever it is -- good luck doing it!