Wednesday, September 24, 2008

How To Spend Your Afternoon...

While I've been getting over the Cold From Hell *cough, sniffle, sneeze*, I've found many great ways to waste the past day or two (really, I've been looking for any reason not to write up a review) and have spent most of this afternoon visiting the ladies at Rip My Bodice. OMG -- hilarity-dom indeed! I thought I'd pay my respects and point y'all in their direction where these ladies not only know how to write a review, but manage to change it up and make your ribs hurt.


Jace said...

I'll pay those ladies a visit one of these days. :-)

Amy said...

I think you'll love them, Jace. It's a nifty-neat blog.

Jace said...

Amy, I dropped by at the site and yes, those ladies are indeed funny. :-D